Why I’m building an brand

Lauryn Sobers
2 min readNov 24, 2020

This year has been an interesting one. We’ve all evolved. In many different ways. We’ve hurt, we’ve loved, we’ve laughed. For me, my evolution was very paramount. I’ve been recovering and healing from my first breakup, completed my degree, graduated without a ceremony and leaped into a working world of graduate uncertainty with unemployment levels sky high, and I’ve been building my first brand. What a time to be 22.

I’ve wanted to build a e-commerce brand for about 2 years now. It was something that I just couldn’t shake. The idea of being an influencer or freelancer alone just didn’t sit right with me. I wanted to build an entity that could survive with or without me being present. And so this year, a couple of days before the first UK lockdown was announced, I stumbled upon the business idea that has stuck with me. It made so much sense, it combined all my consistent interests and passions, and left me wondering why didn’t I think of this sooner.

Ever since, I’ve been slowly building and conceptualising an idea from my mind to a real life manifestation. Finding the market, being aware of social and environmental issues, like sustainability and diversity, observing trends, expressing my creativity, these are all skills I had to tap back into as I realised the depths of what it takes to start a brand, especially one you want to have longevity. So that you can serve others in the best way possible and for the longest time possible. Which means you have to build solid foundations. And as I take each day at a time, moving further out of my comfort, even with fear and anxiety sometimes, I make myself prouder everyday, build my confidence everyday and show myself what I’m made of.

So do what makes you happy and become the person you see in your mind, because you won’t regret it.



Lauryn Sobers

just a creative doing multi-hyphenate things, paid search marketer by day, fashion side hustler by night